what is the bounce rate?
site’s bounce rate is important because it tells you how well people are — or more importantly, aren’t — engaging with a webpage’s content or user experience.
Bounce rate is calculated when someone visits a single page on your website and does nothing on the page before leaving. More specifically, a website’s bounce rate measures how many visitors leave a page without performing a specific action, such as buying something, filling out a form, or clicking on a link.
If you’re a marketer, it’s important to understand bounce rate and how it impacts your overall digital marketing strategy. For example, a bad bounce rate might indicate technical SEO issues, such as your page load time is too slow.
In this guide, we’ll discuss what makes a good bounce rate and ways to improve your bounce rate, which will improve your conversion rates and your organic search rankings.
What Is a Good Bounce Rate?
To define what a good bounce rate is for your site, you want to understand the difference between a high bounce rate and a low bounce rate.
A high bounce rate means that a visitor’s overall session duration is short; they visit a page on your site and leave. A low bounce rate means that visitors are spending time on a page and clicking on available links.
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